My Services

Dee Servey

Let me help you connect on a deeper level

Have a Look at My

Unique Services

Everything is Energy, and Everything is Connected

Animal Communication

Hey there! I’d love to be your animal whisperer and help you connect with your furry friend, whether they’re right by your side or playing in the sunshine over the rainbow bridge. If you’re looking to communicate with a pet who has passed, I require a grace period of 30 days before reaching out to them. All you need to do is send me a photo of your pal’s sweet little face and your top three questions, and we can have a chat over Zoom. Your beloved animal friends are eagerly waiting to connect!

$150 an hour

Reiki Energy Healing

As a Reiki Master, I absolutely adore using my skills to help your furry friends or to balance your own energy centers! Whether you’re feeling a little off, or you just want to get some extra love and attention, I’m here to help. By connecting with your  chakra energy centers, I can pinpoint any areas of discomfort and help you heal and balance your own energy.  If you are booking for your pet, all I need is a clear photo of them where I can see their eyes, and we’ll be good to go!

$150 an hour

Personal Reading

This is what is commonly referred to as a mediumship reading.  I will connect to all energies surrounding you and deliver messages or answer your deepest questions.  I can connect with your passed loved ones and offer advanced levels of channeling and knowledge to help you along your path. Whether you need assistance with your spiritual journey, figuring out your love life path, or manifesting your dream career, I’m here to help.  With personal advice from the Ascended Masters, we can work on overcoming limitations and healing past traumas to break through any barriers holding you back from reaching your goals. Let’s work together!

$150 an hour

Personalized Message

If you’ve got 1 or 2 questions you need guidance on, I’m here to help! I’ll channel the guidance for you and record a personalized video answering your questions. The video is usually around 10-15 minutes long. Excited to help you!

$65 Pre-recorded message
Why Dee Servey?

Dee Servey

As a Reiki Master/ Teacher and lifelong Spiritual Medium, I am confident in my ability to support you and your furry friend in achieving a fulfilling a balanced life. I have an exceptional ability to communicate directly with animals and see the world through their perspective. I provide unparalleled insight and guidance on what they need.  Together, we can create a harmonious environment full of joy and love.